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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Application of the Mining Strategies in Industrial BlockChainsELGHARBI, SAlah Eddine
2024Data driven based approaches for predictive maintenance of aircraft enginesDOU BAHA, HOcine
2023Exploration des données pour la qualité de la production Amélioration à l'ère de l'industrie 4.0 : un focus sur les séries chronologiques, l'IA explicable, les chroniques Techniques de découverte et d'exploration de donnéesARBAOUI, SLimane
2023Hybrid predictive maintenace system based on ontologies and machine learning in industry 4.0FIDMA, MOhamed ABdelillah
2024Predictive maintenance of aircraft engines using Transformers and Temporal convolution networkDOU BAHA, HOcine
2023Proactive Battery Management : A Dual Approach for state of health Prediction and Event DetectionARBAOUI, SLimane
2022Studying and Comparing the Application of the Mining Strategies in Industrial BlockChainsELGHARBI, SAlah Eddine
2023Studying and Comparing the existing approaches for predictive maintenance in industry 4.0FIDMA, MOhamed ABdelillah