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Showing results 1 to 20 of 133  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Adressing Small and Incomplete Clinical Datasets: Data Imputation and Synthetic Data GenerationBOUCHOUKA, ZOhra HIdaya
2023Advancements in Deep Learning-Based Fingerprint and Facial Recognition: A State-of-the-Art ExplorationTOUATI, ABderrahmane
2021Analyse des sentiments Appliquée aux dialectes arabesALAHOUM, NAdjia; KOUADRI, AIchouch RAnia
2022Anomaly Detection using AutoEncoders: The advanced Persistent Threats caseBOUDOUARA, NAdjet; LAIB, OUmaima
2022Anomaly Detection using AutoEncoders: The advanced Persistent Threats caseBOUDOUARA, NAdjet; LAIB, OUmaima
2020Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System for IoT network using machine learning and deep learning techniquesRAFAA, HOuria; MEKKAOUI, AYoub
2023The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Resume ScreeningGHENNAI, MOhammed; MORDI, RIad ZAkaria
2023The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Resume ScreeningGHENNAI, MOhammed; MORDI, RIad ZAkaria
2022The Application of Deep Learning Forecasting to Algorithmic TradingMADANI, YOusfi Abdelwahed; MESSABIH, OUssama
2022The Application of Deep Learning in Financial Time Series ForecastingMADANI, YOusfi Abdelwahed; MESSABIH, OUssama
2024Apport du Big Data, de l’IOT et de l’Apprentissage Automatique aux Systèmes de Transport IntelligentCHEBAB, MOkhtaria
2024Approaches to Energy Demand Forecasting and Charging Station Placement for Electric Vehicles Charging StationsZEKRI, LAtifa AYa
2020Approches et Techniques de Détection d'IntrusionKHELLADI, ABderrahmane; SELMI, ANwar
2023Architectures de Deep Learning pour générer mouvement humain basé sur le squeletteBENAISSA, ABir
2023Architectures de Deep Learning pour générer mouvement humain basé sur le squeletteBENAISSA, ABir
2024Assessing the trust in male and female advisors during recommendation processes.BOULANOUAR, AMina TAssenime
2024Assessing the trust in male and female advisors during recommendation processes.BOULANOUAR, AMina TAssenime
2024Benchmarking and Identifying the Best Outlier Detection Techniques for Screenshot-Based Anomaly DetectionMAZOUZI, BOuyahia
2023Bias and Double Standard in Western Social Media and News Outlets : The Ukrainian War v.s. the Syrian Crisis as a Case StudyABDELLATIF, ABdelraouf; KHEMKHAM, MOhamed
2023Brainwashing 2.0: Bias and double standard in western social media and news outlets.ABDELLATIF, ABdelraouf; KHEMKHAM, MOhamed