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Title: IoT for optimizing the Store Management Systems : A Literature Review
Authors: BENSILETTE, ZAkariya
ZITOUNE, HOussam EDdine
Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT)
Store Management
Inventory Management
Customer Experience
Real-time Data
Operational Efficiency
Barcode Scanner
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: This research explores the application of Internet of Things (IoT) in store management systems, focusing on optimizing inventory management and improving customer experiences. By leveraging IoT devices, real-time data collection and analysis are achieved, enhancing operational efficiency and informed decision-making. The study examines the implementation of barcode scanners, demonstrating their impact on inventory accuracy, transaction speed, and reduction of human error. The findings underscore the potential of IoT in enhancing store performance, fostering informed decision-making, and improving customer satisfaction. *** Cette recherche explore l’application de l’Internet des objets (IoT) dans les syst`emes de gestion de magasin, en se concentrant sur l’optimisation de la gestion des stocks et l’am´elioration des exp´eriences client. En utilisant des dispositifs IoT, la collecte et l’analyse de donn´ees en temps r´eel sont r´ealis´ees, am´eliorant l’efficacit´e op´erationnelle et la prise de d´ecision ´eclair´ee. L’´etude examine la mise en oeuvre de scanners de codes-barres, d´emontrant leur impact sur la pr´ecision des stocks, la rapidit´e des transactions et la r´eduction des erreurs humaines. Les r´esultats soulignent le potentiel de l’IoT pour am´eliorer la performance des magasins, favoriser une prise de d´ecision ´eclair´ee et am´eliorer la satisfaction des clients.
Description: Encadrant : Dr. AMRANE Abdelkader Co-encadrant : Pr.BENSLIMANE Sidi Mohammed
Appears in Collections:Master

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