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Browsing by Subject Anomaly Detection

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Anomaly Detection in Aerial Videos with Deep Feature and Multivariate Time Series AnalysisAMZERT, MOhammed ANouar
2024Anomaly Detection in Aerial Videos with Deep Feature and Multivariate Time Series AnalysisAMZERT, MOhammed ANouar
2024Anomaly Detection in Streaming Data through Closed Itemset and Rule-Based ApproachesSAKOUTI, YAsmine
2022Anomaly Detection using AutoEncoders: The advanced Persistent Threats caseBOUDOUARA, NAdjet; LAIB, OUmaima
2022Anomaly Detection using AutoEncoders: The advanced Persistent Threats caseBOUDOUARA, NAdjet; LAIB, OUmaima
2020Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System for IoT network using machine learning and deep learning techniquesRAFAA, HOuria; MEKKAOUI, AYoub
2024A Comparative study of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Based Intrusion Detection MethodsMEDDAH, MOhammed
2023A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Based Intrusion Detection MethodsLAHMAR, MOhammed ABdrrahim; DJELLOUL DAOUADJI, FAdela
2022Détection d’anomalies non supervisée dans les séries temporelle multi-variéesOUARDAS, AKram Mohmamed Abd El Illeh
2022Détection d’anomalies non supervisée dans les séries temporelle multi-variéesOUARDAS, AKram Mohmamed Abd El Illeh
2023D´etection des anomalies dans les s´eries temporelle multivari´ees avec application sur les vid´eos a´erienneBOUSMAT, ABdelmounaim
2022Firewalls Logs Analysis Platform and Access Lists Vulnerability Detection System.EL MOGHERBI, MOhammed Faycal
2022Firewalls Logs Analysis Platform and Access Lists Vulnerability Detection System.EL MOGHERBI, MOhammed Faycal
2024An Intrusion Detection System for IoMT using Machine Learning and Deep LearningMEDDAH, MOhammed
2023A Machine Learning Based Intrusion Detection System for Internet of Medical ThingsLAHMAR, MOhammed ABdrrahim; DJELLOUL DAOUADJI, FAdela
2024Multiview Anomaly Detection using Deep Neural NetworksABDELAZIZ, CHourouk HAlah
2024Multiview Anomaly Detection using Deep Neural NetworksABDELAZIZ, CHourouk HAlah
2023Un Syst`eme de D´etection d’Intrusion bas´e sur l’Apprentissage Automatique dans les WBAN pour les Applications de Sant´BENKADDOUR, ZOubida IMene