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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 137
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023A Shared Secret Key Diffie-Hellman Protocol enhancements to withstand Man-in-the-Middle AttackMAnsour, ABoubaker
2023Real-Time IoT Agriculture Platform & Smart Farm ControlDIK, AHmed YAcine
2023Recrute ManagerAKEBLERSANE, MOhamed AKram
2023ML Based Web Application Dual-Layer Firewall Using Supervised LearningLEKKAF, SElsabil
2023Resume Classification and Ranking Using NLP and Machine Learning with Motivation Letter Sentiment Analysis Using Deep LearningHAMDI, ASma
2023Développement d’un systèmes de Contrôle d’examen en ligne avec l’Apprentissage AutomatiqueMERAH, ASma
2023Machine Learning for Solving Inverse Kinematics of a 5-DOF Robotic Arm Case Study: LeArm by Hiwonder Lewan SoulBELAHOUEL, REmil
2023Enhancing Federated Learning Research through NS3-FLSim and Model Poisoning MitigationKECHIDI, ABdelilah; KADDOUR, AYoub
2023r´ealisation d’une application web pour la transcription et la traductionSADOUN, FEriel
2023Breast-tumor segmentation and 3D reconstruction from MRIBENGUEDDA, ILham
2023Loan Approval Prediction Using Machine LearningCHERIF, AChouak; BERKANE, NAoul
2023Machine Learning-based Intrusion Detection Systemfor IoT ApplicationsBRAHIMI, DOunia
2023Machine Learning-based Intrusion Detection Systemfor IoT ApplicationsKEBBATI, KHaoula
2023The on-line testing system with biometric recognition.TOUATI, ABderrahmane
2023Build network layer of distributed ledger technology IOTA-CoordicideBOUSSAID, ABdelkader
2023Efficient Time Series Data Management in the Edge Cloud based on Visibility GraphBENSALEM, AKram
2023PZero Revealer: A library for Detecting Patient Zero through Windows Event Log AnalysisSEDDAOUI, MHammed
2023A privacy-preserving reputation system for mobile crowdsourcing: A blockchain-based solution with layer-2 scaling.BENDADA, AHmed MOunsf RAfik
2023Development of a web interface for the analysis and search of French literary data lakes for a LIFRANUM project.DJOUAD, KAwther
2023Optimal Service Placement for In-Network Computing Services in P4GUERZIZ, INes
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 137